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Future Nursing Opportunities

Post Graduate Licensure

Transfer to BSN Program: 新彩开奖 has a formal articulation agreement with Central Methodist University (CMU) for a seamless transition from the associate to the baccalaureate degree level. Any 新彩开奖 student who has earned an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree is guaranteed that CMU will accept up to 40 hours for the nursing curriculum and any other general education coursework toward the degree, except for developmental courses. CMU maintains office space at the Arnold Campus. Additionally, representatives will regularly visit the Hillsboro Campus and should be contacted at the earliest possible point for advisement. 


2060 - STL - 新彩开奖 - Open House - 5600 - APR 2060 - STL - 新彩开奖 - Showcase - 5600 - APR