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Meet the Library Staff

Name: Kimberly Garzia
Title: Library Specialist
Department: Library
Phone: 3171
Email: kgarzia@jeffco.edu
Office: Room 206, Library

Name: Taylor Humphreys
Title: Access Services Librarian
Department: Library
Phone: 3174
Email: thumphr2@jeffco.edu
Office: Room 103, Library

Name: Joette Klein
Title: Asst. Director of Library Services
Department: Library
Phone: 3161
Email: jklein1@jeffco.edu
Office: Room 143, Library

Name: Shirley Leonard
Title: PT Circulation Assistant
Department: Library
Phone: 3167
Email: sleonard@jeffco.edu

Name: Zachary Quick
Title: Library Assistant
Department: Library
Phone: 3167
Email: zquick@jeffco.edu

Name: Kaitlin Hirth
Title: PT Circulation Assistant
Department: Library
Phone: 3167
Email: khirth1@jeffco.edu

Name: Lisa Pritchard
Title: Director of Library Services
Department: Library
Phone: 3160
Email: lpritcha@jeffco.edu
Office: Room 200, Library

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